The foundational principle of Chiropractic is the innate ability of the body to heal. Chiropractic is centered around the nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – which through nerves, serves and controls our muscles, cells and organs. In this way, Chiropractic looks at the body as a whole. The purpose of Chiropractic care is to restore normal function – normal motion, normal joint function, normal nervous system function. So that the body can do what it was made to do.

True health is adaptation.

It is the ability to experience stress, injury, all of the things that life will bring you. To move through life with the capacity innately present in you, to adapt and change and grow. Movement is life. But life will sometimes hinder movement. Pain, tension, fatigue are all physical manifestations on our physical bodies and the musculoskeletal system. These symptoms are typically the result of external stressors and they can be unavoidable. The goal of Chiropractic care is optimal structure and alignment to allow for optimal function. For all joints, for the entire body. A holistic approach to health.

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